Thursday, October 7, 2010

Read Scott Pilgrim vs the World

When I first heard about the movie Scott Pilgrim vs the World I was skeptical but it was toted as a love story for the 8-bit generation.  Then after seeing a few previews with graphics and addons that look straight from an old Nintendo game I was sold.  Since my ability to go to movie theaters is limited by my refusal to pay $10 per ticket then have to pay a babysitter on top of that I picked up the comics that inspired the movie.  There are 6 in all and I could only find 5 at the time of this writing but they were a joy to read.  Full of lots of humor and wit they were a great read.  Drawn in black and white except for a few color pages might be a hang up for a few people but it was easy enough to overlook once the story sucks you in.  Now after reading the comics I am very excited to see the movie and see how closely the characters are represented and the story followed.


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