Monday, November 8, 2010

Kinect is here!

Kinect is HERE!  I'm not usually a day one adopter, but this is too cool to pass up.  Kinect is a series of 2 or 3 cameras that track your whole body and let you interact with the Xbox 360.  It also has a microphone for voice interaction as well.  The only downside of Kinect I've had so far is thta it take a LOT of room to use properly.  We had to rearrange our living room a little bit and everytime we want to play a Kinect game we have to push the coffee table one way and a chair the other way, but it's not horrible.

The Kinect comes bundles with Kinect Adventures.  This game makes great use of the Kinect.  There are 5 different games that you are challenged with they can be really intense!  Rallyball is like getting locked in a raquetball court with insane dodgeballs, but you want to get hit by the dodgeballs so they destroy blocks.  This was one of the demos that they first showed off the Kinect's (then Natal) potential.  My oldest's favorite game is Reflex Ridge.  This is the one that can have your heart rate up after a few minutes of play.  You have to duck, jump, sidestep and pose around obstacles to get adventure pins.  This game looks AMAZING!  I really wasn't expecting a bundle game to impress me as much as this does.  It's powered by Unreal technology for those who play games.  the soundtrack is well done too.  It's not uncommon for my oldest (or me) to be bopping along during downtimes or between adventures, and the fun thing is that your avatar will be mirroring your movements on screen.

The Kinect is a blast!  I have read a number of bad reviews for some of the launch games, but for the sensor itself and Kinect Adventures, it is a home run!  As is go get it and run home and play it now!


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